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Hi suggestion for removing content from YouTube BFC SPOTLIGHT

Guest killerfoxx1572374478

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Guest killerfoxx1572374478

Not sure if this is operated by BFC as promo on Youtube but comments made are extremely inappropriate and scary if this is owned/operated by Mattel or BFC it should be taken down or at least not enable comments

Its scary the comments that are made and needs to be taken down for possibly safety reasons.

Guest granet1572390890

In Response to Hi suggestion for removing content from YouTube BFC SPOTLIGHT:

Not sure if this is operated by BFC as promo on Youtube but comments made are extremely inappropriate and scary if this is owned/operated by Mattel or BFC it should be taken down or at least not enable comments
Its scary the comments that are made and needs to be taken down for possibly safety reasons. Theresa

Posted by killerfoxx


I just don't get it why do presumably intelligent ADULTS need to Put Barbie Doll down?She is afterall a DOLL.Don't they have something more intelligent to gripe about?Like Air,Oil & Gas-,Poverty,War,Economy?What's this world coming to?


I agree that comments should not be enabled. But I also think that if you allow them, you have to allow all of them. It's protected free speech, and it's one of the cornerstones of our democracy. Yes, people have the right to make idiots of themselves. I'm sure I complain about things that other people love, and I'm wise enough to reserve my battles (and my righteous indignation) for the things that *really* matter in the world. And while I enjoy my collection, no, I don't think Barbie is one of them.

Don't you just love how internet brings sometimes the worst out of people....no ethic, (almost) no one to slap your wrist or when one has a foul mouth the worst that can happen is being banned...sometimes I'm not sure if we are going forward or...backward. Opinions asides (because no matter what different point of views are enriching), tell me how you behave on internet and I'll tell you who you are. Too often people think that just because they could, means that they should. (sorry I had a rough week with the social medias in general...really depressing sometimes)


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