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It's Happening Again... This time I'm getting "Invalid Certificate" (Easy Fix - User Must Change Internet Settings)

Guest BarbieBeetle1572395218

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Guest BarbieBeetle1572395218
Hi again. I thought my problem was resolved. I have been trying to read my private messages for more than 2 hours! I've tried FireFox and Internet Explorer, and I've shut down and restarted. When I try to read private messages, I get the same notice that Judyrae said she was getting ... something about an expired certificate. So, I really hate to sound like a broken record, but techies - could you please check out my account again? It keeps going back and forth where I am receiving notifications and then on a lull where I am not receiving them. Also, why are we suddenly getting this invalid certificate/expired certificate? It's a little creepy in that I wonder if there is some cyber crime in the works. Probably not, but in these times, it isn't impossible. I appreciate the attention that is being given to this. Thank you.
Guest TOYBOX1572402193

You may encounter the error message because of a date/time setting on your CPU. You will need to make sure that the date is correctly set.


"One of the most common causes of an Invalid or Expired Security Certificate error is the clock on your computer being wrong for some reason. Website security certificates are issued to be valid within a given date range. Your web browser compares the date of the certificate to the date on your computer to verify the date falls in a valid range. If the date of the certificate is too far outside the date on the computer, your browser will give you an invalid security certificate error because the browser thinks something is wrong. The fix for this problem is to set your computer clock to the correct date and time. It may require a reboot before your browser will view the problem as corrected, but fixing the date on your clock fixes many of these errors."


You can also take this a step further:

Delete expired certificates in your Internet Options under Content, Certificates.

Deselect Publisher's Certificate Revocation under Internet Options, Advanced Tab (under security).

Deselect Server Certificate Revocation.


MS Internet Explorer you will need click on Tools, Internet options.

Select Content Tab />> Certificates>> Personal Tab.

Select Certificate and Remove, confirm by selecting Yes when prompted to delete.


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