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  1. Same here, I cannot open my pack either, that I purchased yesterday, and I clicked the claim button, in my email.
  2. Wowww! I didn't even know this section was here, cool! I absolutely looooove Mustangs, old and new, if anyone knows where I can get some limited ones, besides Walmart, I would greatly appreciate it! Unfortunately, Walmart is the closest to me, Target is further away and also, where does anyone find the Hot Wheels ID cars at???? The ones on the pegs, I bought a few from the Apple store but have not seen any of the new ones, besides, of course Ebay ? Can not find cases of the Hot Wheels ID's either, besides Ebay ?. I collect M2 Trucks, Cars, NHRA Dragsters and Premium Hot Wheels too. Thank-You all who answer! ☺️?
  3. I received email confirmation, for the RLC membership and car, sooooooooooo very hyped and happy! I FINALLY got in,go me!
  4. Yesssss, I FINALLY,was able to get an RLC membership and realllly sweet car, go me!
  5. I can't even sign up for the RLC club!! Every time I try, it's always says sold out! Bu this car is bad...! Definitely would want to purchase!
  6. I have been trying to sign up for the RLC, since last year! It is the same with, being sold out. So does that mean, this year, is ALREADY, sold out????
  7. Hmm, will there be any of these cars, in Walmart??? I found a Walmart exclusive, Merry Christmas 1949 Studebaker 2R Truck, with a Limited Edition 1960 Ford C600, inside!! Only 6,800 pieces, of this truck, were made worldwide!
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